
The Number Six: Bible Numerology Code

Number 6 in the Biblical Numerology reflects the concept of human's imperfection and sin. This number is quite widespread, especially if something has to do with classification on saint and human.

Mankind was created on the 6th day of the world's creation, and this fact makes number 6 attached to people by default. The guidance of God says that people should work 6 days and rest only on the seventh as well as he did.

Some other cases of antagonism to God were connected with number 6 as well. Another example of number 6 in the Bible is that devil tried to tempt Jesus 6 times. Nehemiah's opposition included 6 kinds of trials: grief, laughter, mocking indignation, open struggle, conference and hypocritical friends.

Some words that are hard to imagine as an antagonism to God for a regular reader of the Bible happen also 6 times each. These words are ruination, shame, disgrace, bar, ungodliness, aversion, and the phrase that means "to beg shamefully". If you find these words and make a profound research of the context you will find out that all these words speak of human's shortcomings.

It doesn't matter in which shape number 6 is present in the Holy Book, it always means the difference between God and mankind. This separation from the God leads to distortion from the idea of Earth as God designed it, and a failure of mankind to truly connect with the God and communicate with him. The creation of the mankind on the sixth day marks that people will always bear a burden of separation from God.

The sixth day was the last day of the world's creation. This model was followed even by contemporary working schedule, where a major part of people don't work on Sunday. The God's direction was to work all week and let our hair down only on the seventh day.

Gematria - Biblical numerology
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The Number Six: Bible Numerology Code
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