Numbers in the Various Schools - Number 33

Tarot Rune Crystals Gemstone Astrology
The Star
The Star
Blue Tourmaline
Blue Tourmaline
Pearl, Diamond, Sapphire
Pearl, Diamond, Sapphire
Jupiter, Venus, Sagitarrius, Taurus
Jupiter, Venus, Sagitarrius, Taurus

Shamanism Hebrew Letter Alchemy Element
Pelican, Lotus and Dolphin Vau, Samekh Water and Air Earth, Air

I Ching Colors Aura Week Day Months
Pi Blue Purest White Light Friday June

Tree of Life Flora Lucky Numbers
Beauty, Tiphereth Tulip, Chrysanthemum, Rosewood 2, 3, 4, 9, 15, 24, 33, 42, 51, 60, 69, 78, 87, 96, 105

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