
Special Letters In Your Name

name, pen, lettersYour Cornerstone, Capstone, and First Vowel

Each letter you have in your name obtains several characteristics, but the location of letters matters too. For example Cornerstone is the first letter of your name (the first name given you at birth). It marks the direction of your character, especially in the way you cope with hardships.

The last letter of you name shows your mood and ability to finish what you've started. It is your Capstone letter. Both Capstone and Cornerstone can say a lot about your ability to start and finish things with a positive outcome.

The first vowel in your name opens something from your inner self. It is somewhat alike to Heart's Desire Number; it is also strongly represented thing you hide from everyone except your family and friends, a little window to your deepest feelings. The first vowel of your name reveals small, but important aspect of your inner self.

It is needed to mention that sometimes a person who uses a first name with a different first vowel as the original birth name is especially aware of opening his\her inner self.

Below is the list of alphabetic letters in order to provide you with understanding of how they influence you as a Cornerstone, First Vowel, or Capstone.


Expression number

Destiny or Expression Number 1

Destiny or Expression Number 2

Destiny or Expression Number 3

Destiny or Expression Number 4

Destiny or Expression Number 5

Destiny or Expression Number 6

Destiny or Expression Number 7

Destiny or Expression Number 8

Destiny or Expression Number 9

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